— People You Can Trust

At Ag-Quest, we have a dedicated team of research professionals, with extensive experience in agricultural research. For quotes or more information on our capabilities, please contact our Project Coordinators.


Dana (Rourke) Maxwell, P.Ag. M.Sc. B.Sc.(Ag.)

President & CEO
Project Coordinator for Variety Services, Plant Breeding Services and Confined Field Trial Services

Contact Dana

Dana started with Ag-Quest in 2009. She previously worked for Dow AgroSciences as a Field Research Agronomist, conducting canola variety trials in Alberta. She has completed her Masters of Science studying cardiac developmental biology, providing her with a solid understanding of molecular biology and its applications. Dana has extensive background in plant breeding, with a Bachelors in Agriculture focusing on plant genetics and variety testing field trials. Dana provides leadership to all research team members conducting variety adaptation and screening trials, plant breeding work and confined field trials.

“While I enjoyed my time working in cardiac developmental biology, and completed my PhD candidacy exam, the most important thing I learned during my time in graduate school was that 'if it doesn’t have chloroplasts, I don’t care.' Hearts are fascinating, but my professional love is Canadian agriculture.”

Alanna Clouthier, B.S.A. (Crop Science)

Assistant Variety Project Coordinator

Contact Alanna


Mike Wall, P.Ag. B.Sc.(Ag.)

Efficacy Project Coordinator

Contact Mike

Mike began working for Ag-Quest in 2004 after graduating with a Bachelors in Agriculture (Agroecology) from the University of Manitoba. As a researcher at Ag-Quest, he has conducted all manner of efficacy trials as well as several variety trials. Mike has also been involved in maintenance, repair, and calibration of the research equipment for many years. He has been innovative; developing testing procedures to improve efficiency and accuracy. Mike has a reputation in the industry for high quality of trial work, and has a wealth of agronomic and mechanical knowledge to support early-career researchers.

“Surrounded by all aspects of agriculture growing up, this position has allowed me to contribute to the pursuit of agriculture, as well as enjoying the many challenges of conducting successful field research trials”

Robert Doell, M.Sc. B.Sc.(Ag.)

Senior Research Support

Contact Robert

Robert first joined Ag-Quest in 1985 as a Research Associate, conducting agronomy and pesticide efficacy trials until becoming the Project Coordinator in 1997. Robert has extensive experience in research, analysis and writing, and directs and supports all Ag-Quest staff in their research activities, with special emphasis in efficacy trials.

Environmental Fate

Don Martens, B.Sc.(Ag.)

Senior Project Coordinator / Special Projects

Contact Don

Don joined Ag-Quest in 1998 as a Principal Investigator, after 4 years with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, assuming his current role as Project Coordinator for Environmental Fate in 2003. Don is familiar with many types of electronic notebook programs. Don coordinates all OECD and EPA GLP-compliant trial work and provides guidance to all research team members conducting GLP-compliant environmental fate trials.

“Growing up on the edge of the Great Plains, I dreamed of becoming a partner of our family farm. During my university days, a former hockey coach connected me with a research colleague at Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada. This start in agricultural research led me to a career at Ag-Quest beginning as a rookie Principal Investigator. Though my dream of farming did not materialize, I remain connected to an industry that is vibrant, interesting and full of great people!”

Kaitlan Patterson, Dipl. Ag

Test Site Management / Environmental Fate Project Coordinator

Contact Kaitlan

Support team

David Pankhurst, B.Sc.

Health and Safety Officer/Research Support/Special Projects

Contact David

All other team members

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