Minto — Head Office
Station manager: James Heaman

Fax: (204) 776-2250
Ag-Quest was started at Minto, Manitoba in 1983. The Minto station has 300 hectares of land. Additional off-station work is typically conducted at Dauphin, Hamiota, Souris, Killarney and Brandon. Other locations are available by request.
Typical crops grown commercially in the Minto area include small grains (winter wheat, summer wheat, barley, oats), oilseeds (canola, flax, sunflowers, soybeans) and peas. Corn (grain and silage) and dry bean acreage in the Minto area is increasing. Specialty crops in the area include seed alfalfa and canaryseed. Other crops can be grown for experimental purposes.
Specialized Facilities at Minto:
Pathology lab – provides disease inoculum for trials at all locations.
Disease nurseries – irrigated and inoculated, typically used for testing product efficacy or varietal resistance levels related to fusarium, blackleg, sclerotinia and other diseases
Greenhouses – available for trials from March to November, typically used for efficacy studies on greenhouse crops, although other trials and types of work can be accommodated
Growth chambers – suitable for conducting crossing, small scale comparison experiments, and some disease testing
Herbicide resistance testing lab – test weed samples submitted from across Canada for resistance to a wide range of herbicides. For more information on herbicide resistance testing, please download our brochure or contact Dr. Haisheng Xie.
Minto Station Details:
- PMRA Zone 14
- Black soil zone
- Clay loam soil
- Soil pH of 7.8, organic matter of 5%.
- Average of 115 frost-free days
- 2300-2400 CHU (Average)
- Six greenhouses
- Disease nursery misting capabilities