Services – Variety, Plant Breeding & Confined Field Trial Services

For information on variety, breeding or confined field trial services, or to request a quotation, please contact:

Dana Maxwell, Variety, Crop Breeding and Confined Field Trials Project Coordinator
Contact Dana

Alanna Clouthier, Assistant Variety Coordinator
Contact Alanna

We have many years of experience conducting a broad range of trials at all our field stations from early stage nursery trials to variety registration trials and Plant Breeders' Rights observation trials. We have extensive experience with confined field trials in several crops under many different experimental designs. Additional crops, trial types and services are available. For information on how we can help you with your project, please contact Dana Maxwell.


Crops include, but are not limited to:

Cereal Grains

  • Wheat (spring and winter)
  • Durum
  • Barley
  • Oats
  • Rye
  • Triticale
  • Corn


  • Canola
  • Soybeans
  • Flax
  • Sunflowers


  • Peas
  • Lentils
  • Chickpeas
  • Fababeans
  • Dry Beans

Specialty Crops

  • Camelina
  • Brassica carinata
  • Borage
  • Alfalfa & other forages
  • Potatoes
  • Buckwheat
  • Quinoa
  • Industrial Hemp

Variety Services

Available variety services include, but are not limited to:

Replicated yield trials, at single or multiple locations.

Disease resistance nurseries.

  • Naturally or artificially inoculated.
  • Mist irrigation available.
  • Commonly screened diseases include:
    • Blackleg
    • Sclerotinia
    • Ascochyta
    • Root diseases
    • Fusarium head blight
    • Leaf and stem rust
    • Leaf spot
    • Loose smut
    • Common bunt
  • Other diseases and special methodologies are available upon request.

Demonstration trials.

Herbicide tolerance studies.

Agronomic development work for new crops.

Plant Breeding Services

Available plant breeding services include, but are not limited to:

  • Crossing
  • Selection nurseries and screening
  • Seed increases (isolations or pollination tents)
  • Breeder seed production
    An audited quality management system (QMS) is in place for production of breeder seed for all crops.
  • Plant Breeders’ Rights descriptions
  • Variety objective descriptions

Confined Field Trial Services (on Plants with Novel Traits)

We have significant experience in conducting confined field trials on plants with novel traits (PNT) in several crops. Our first priority for all confined field trials is to maintain compliance with the Terms & Conditions of the CFIA Field Trial Authorization for each confined field trial. Ag-Quest has developed standard operating procedures for managing confined field trials, and a full suite of forms for compliance and record keeping. We also ensure that all requested data is collected from the field trial to support your regulatory needs. Large and small field trials can be accommodated across our stations, and we can assist in protocol and notebook development services for confined field trials.